News and Announcements
Welcome to the Anderson MSBL Web Site
If you have any questions or want to sign-up, please contact John Gruenberg:
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Anderson MSBL Facebook Page
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MSBL 35+ League Summer Managers Meeting Notes
On Tuesday, August 3, 2010 all of the 35+ MSBL team managers met to discuss details around the fall league. Below are the notes from the meeting, as taken by Ray Dill (White Sox).
The fall season will start on Sunday, August 22.
We WILL play on Sunday, September 5 (Labor Day weekend).
Deadline for rosters and fees is Sunday, August 15. Managers need to turn in roster and fees to John Gruenberg by deadline.
League fees are $120 per person.
Fall play format is round-robin. Each team will play every other team one time, so 7 games, through October 3.
October 10 will be used as a rainout make-up day. If no make-up games are necessary, a "draw game" will be played. Matchups for the "draw game" were randomly drawn at the manager's meeting and are as follows:
- Yankees vs. Indians
- White Sox vs. Dodgers
- Tigers vs. Rockies
- Cardinals vs. Reds
After the "draw game", a single-elimination, seeded tournament will begin:
- Week 9: 1 vs. 8, 2 vs. 7, 3 vs. 6, 4 vs. 5
- Week 10: winner of 1 vs. 8 plays winner of 4 vs. 5, winner of 2 vs. 7 plays winner of 3 vs 6
- Week 11: championship game
During the playoffs, losing teams will continue to play the following week. More details of this tournament format will follow as the season progresses.
Mark Ober (Reds) has accepted responsibility for the playing fields. He will organize and control field readiness each week in case of rain and report conditions to John Gruenberg as necessary.
A "Run Rule" was voted on and passed:
- A 12-run lead after 5 complete innings constitutes a complete game
Teams must have 9 players from their own roster to start an "official" game. Games will still be encouraged with subs, but will be a forfeit for the team with too few roster players.
Future changes in team manager require notification to John Gruenberg before announcement is made to team.
Umpire rating cards were discussed. Implementation details and content of the evaluation are on John Gruenberg's desk for further consideration. Please contact him for details on how that will proceed.
Cincinnati Business Courier article about Anderson MSBL League
In May 2009, the Cardinals' own Steve Watkins wrote an article about our 35+ league that was posted on the Cincinnati Business Courier web site. Very nice article. Read it when you get a chance.
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